Fine Line
Fine Line
Nearly a third of UK adults have felt judged by their name. This stat rises to 53% for minority ethnics, according to new research we did with Samsung, revealing the extent to which we experience bias in social or workplace settings, simply because of our name.
But names are attached to our identity and who we are. It may have a family, religious or cultural meaning or it might ‘just’ be a name. If our names are disregarded or held against us, or changed without our consent, it can be demeaning. But it can also be a show of endearment. It’s a fine line.
To bring the findings of this research to life, we conducted a social experiment featuring six people, where we discussed the issue of name bias in the workplace.
Casual friendliness? Or microaggression?
Do you agree or disagree? Where do you stand?
381 pieces of coverage. 3.1 billion reach. +131% ROI. This raised the awareness of an issue that many didn't even know existed and got the nation talking about it.